Loose Leaf Tea Brewing
Easy to carry, convenient to brew, just like tea bag, with better taste...
We package all our teas in a way called "pao," which is the word we use in China to measure when brewing and drinking tea, usually with a brewing vessel.
"I brought three paos of tea for our dinner party tonight."
“I made a pao of tea, would you like some?”
To make a mean cup of tea or a mean pao of tea, the water and the tea amount is essential. As we are promoting the best and most true way of brewing tea--Gong Fu Cha (gongfu brewing), we want to start by making sure the amount is right for you, and make it easy for you too!
Each tea has been carefully tasted so that each pao bag contains the correct amount of tea, so you won’t have to measure each time. The pao also makes it easy for you to carry teas around, so you can enjoy them anywhere or give them to friends to try.
Of course, we’ve considered that you will be steeping merely with a mug sometimes. In that case, only use half a pao and place the remainder in the tin provided (gifted for free in each order) until your next quali-tea time
Zipped bag packaging is also available for 50g and more if you prefer to handle tea amounts in your own way. Use our gifted tin to carry a serving or two of tea with you anywhere.
For those who are in the transition from tea bag to loose leaf tea, or need the ease of bags for cleaning purpose sometimes, we prepared corn fiber bags in different sizes (also gifted for free in each order) so you can bag the teas as needed. They come in extremely handy for making cold brew tea as well.
We hope you like our arrangement of packaging!
Share it with a friend who you would like to have tea with!